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5 PUL Sewing Project Ideas

5 PUL Sewing Project Ideas

Have you ever used PUL fabric before? Ever wondered what type of makes you can sew up with this fabric?

We’ve got a round up of some of our favourite PUL fabric projects that’ll hopefully help you get your sew on!

We also stock a variety of different PUL fabrics and prints to suit all your sewing needs, whether it’s single layer PUL or sandwich PUL, you can buy PUL fabric in the UK from us! 

Whether you’re making a children’s dribble bib, reusable makeup pads or cloth diapers we’re sure to have what you need!

Read on for some waterproof fabric project ideas!

Large Wash Bag Tutorial – FREE Pattern

Large Wash Bag Tutorial – FREE Pattern

Sometimes Dads are the trickiest to buy for aren’t they?

On this occasion we thought about going for something practical with that special touch that comes with being handmade. And as an item we all need from time to time, every use will be a little reminder of how much he means to you.

This roomy wash bag is perfect for all dad’s toiletries – it’s big enough for a 2 week holiday! It is 22cm x 17cm x 12cm and lined with waterproof PUL fabric we’ve also given the exterior some Odicoat layers maxing the water repelling properties of this bag. Perfect for splashing around in the shower or by the pool!

A Sewing Project For Adventurous Beginners

You Will Learn:

  • How to apply Odicoat
  • How to sew with PUL
  • How to insert a chunky zip
  • How to sew a boxed corner

You’ll Need:

Want a ready-to-use pattern? We’ve got you covered!

Click the button below to download the wash bag pattern.

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  • Here is our guide on how to sew PUL fabric
  • Here is our guide on how to apply Odicoat

Important Notes & Disclaimers:

  • 1.5cm seam allowance throughout, unless directed otherwise
  • For steps using machine sewing, straight stitch, backstitching at the start & end using stitch length 2.5 unless otherwise stated
  • Prepare your fabrics as per manufacturer’s care advice

Step 1 – Apply The Odicoat

Before cutting, in case of shrinkage, apply the Odicoat to the right side of the outer fabric: Place your fabric right side up on a covered surface (greaseproof paper or plastic sheeting are ideal).


Step 2

Print the pattern and cut it out.

IMPORTANT: Use the 1” test square to check the sizing. If the sizing is incorrect check print settings. Depending on the device used, select ‘actual size’ or deselect the ‘fit to page’ option.

The main pattern piece prints over 4 pages. Match the coloured circles up with their counterpart and sellotape together. Here’s a video explaining it should you not be familiar with putting together PDF patterns

Step 3 Cut your fabrics

Using the pattern pieces cut out the following transfering notches onto all pieces:

  • 2 x Outer fabric
  • 2 x Lining fabric
  • 2 x interfacing


  • 1 Strap from outer fabric
  • 2 Tabs from outer fabric

Step 4

Clip the sew in interfacing onto the wrong side of each outer piece.

Step 5

Baste the interfacing to the wrong side of the fabric all the way round with a 5mm seam allowance.

Sew The Strap

Step 6

Fold the strap piece in half lengthways and press.

Step 7

Fold the raw edges to the crease and press again.

Step 8

Topstitch along the 2 long edges, 2mm from the edge.

Sew The Tabs

Step 9

Fold in 1cm along the long edges and press.

Step 10

Fold the tab in half so the short edges are aligned, raw edges inside and press.

Step 11

Topstitch around 3 sides 2mm from the edge, leaving the bottom edge open.

How To Sew A Chunky Zip

Step 12

Check the zip works. Fold the top 2 tape ends at 45 degree angles.

Sew a few stitches along the outer edge of the zip tape to hold them in place.

Step 13

With one outer piece right side up, align the zip with the top edge, right side down.

The zip bar positioned by the notch. Clip the zip in place.

Step 14

Baste close to the outer edge of the zipper tape, between the notches.

Step 15

Place a PUL lining piece smooth side down, lined up with the outer piece; sandwiching the zip between the two.

Clip along the top edge

Step 16

Using a zipper foot, sew between the notches with a 5mm seam allowance.

*If the PUL moves too much, hand baste before sewing or use a walking foot*

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Step 17

Open out the lining and outer pieces with the zip overlapping the lining, seam allowances underlapping the outer.

Top stitch between the notches on the outer fabric side (1.5cm from each end); Using a zipper foot sew along the outer fabric 2mm from the folded edge nearest the zip.

Step 18

Repeat steps 14. To 17. on the other side of the zip using the corresponding pieces.

Want a ready-to-use pattern? We’ve got you covered!

Click the button below to download the wash bag pattern.

Step 19

Open the zip halfway.

Open out the fabrics either side of the zip; aligning outer fabrics to one side and linings the other.

Clip the bottom edges together, leaving a 10cm turning gap in the lining fabric.


Step 20

Sew along the bottom edges, leaving the opening un-sewn.

Step 21

Press the seam allowance open on the outer fabric only.

Gently pull the outer and lining side panels outwards, allowing the bottom seams to line up with the zip then smooth/ flatten the fabric out either side.

Step 22

At each end of the zip, position a tab between the notches in the 2 layers of the outer fabric only.

Align the raw edges and clip in place, matching up the seam and zip ends, seam allowances open.


Step 23

Smooth the fabric out to either side of the tab and clip the raw edges of the outer fabric together.

Step 24

Sew along each side of the outer fabric only to secure the tab in place.

Backstitching over the tab for reinforcement and taking care near the zip ends.

*When sewing near the end of the zip/ across the teeth, the material may need moving forward manually to create a longer stitch: Sew to the side of the zipper teeth, raise the needle, lift the presser foot and move the fabric enough for the needle to enter the fabric on the other side of the zipper teeth. Reverse this step to go back over the zipper then come forward again to give added strength.*

Caution: trying to sew through the chunky zipper teeth can break the machine needle, which may result in injury

Step 25

Follow steps 22. to 24. for the lining fabric, disregarding the tab directions.

Move the outer fabric to one side but not the zip tape, to avoid gaps in the finished bag.

How To Box Out The Corners

Step 26

Starting at the top end of the outer fabric (where the zip pull sits when the bag is closed).

Make a mark where the fabric creases on the outermost edge.

Step 27

Open out the corner and align the seam with the mark.

Step 28

Thread the strap into the corner until only the end is visible.

Step 29

Position the end of the strap between the notches, raw edge aligned with the edges of the formed corner from step 36.

Clip the strap in position, then smooth out the fabric either side and clip.

Reach through the opening in the lining and open the zip fully.

Working through the opening, guide the other end of the strap to the adjacent corner at the top of the bag.

Step 30

Repeat steps 26. to 29. checking the strap isn’t twisted.

Step 31

Repeat steps 26. to 29. on the remaining 2 corners in the outer fabric and the 4 in the lining fabric, disregarding the strap directions.

Step 32

Sew along the corners.

Step 33

Turn the bag out the right way.

Step 34

Sew the gap in the lining closed.


And you’re finished, well done!

Want a ready-to-use pattern? We’ve got you covered!

Click the button below to download the wash bag pattern.

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We hope you found this tutorial useful! Let us know how you get along in the comments below.

Follow Plush Addict on social media and keep an eye out for more tutorials!

Sometimes Dads are the trickiest to buy for aren’t they?

On this occasion we thought about going for something practical with that special touch that comes with being handmade. And as an item we all need from time to time, every use will be a little reminder of how much he means to you.

This roomy wash bag is perfect for all dad’s toiletries – it’s big enough for a 2 week holiday! It is 22cm x 17cm x 12cm and lined with waterproof PUL fabric we’ve also given the exterior some Odicoat layers maxing the water repelling properties of this bag. Perfect for splashing around in the shower or by the pool!
