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3 Project Ideas Using Beguiled by Libs Elliott

3 Project Ideas Using Beguiled by Libs Elliott

This has to be one our faveeeeee collections of all time (can we say that?!). Truly, Libs Elliott really knocked it out of the park this time, so of course we had to whip up project ideas using Beguiled by Libs Elliott to provide you with inspiration on what to make with such a fabulous collection.

But not only did we give you 1 make… we’ve given you 3 different project ideas using Beguiled!

Which one will you be trying first seam-stars?

Clear PVC Vinyl Zipper Pouch

This zipper pouch is one of the project ideas using Beguiled by Libs Elliott. These pouches are SO handy and can save you time too as you can see exactly what’s in your storage pouch without even looking inside.

Use them in your crafting space to keep your scraps, notions & general haberdashery in check, or make them for the kids!

You can find the full tutorial here.

Eye Mask

In need of some “me” time, what better way to tune out your surroundings than to run a warm bath, light some candles and pop on an eye mask… and it might as well be a snazzy one!

Check out our eye mask tutorial here and shop ‘Beguiled’ prints here.

Ella Pouch

The roomiest of roomy pouches – a seam-star fav… the Ella pouch!

Perfect for any makeup bits or toiletries, it’s big enough for multi-purpose use.

Have a read of the full tutorial here.

Which project is you favourite? Which one will you be trying first?

Let us know in the comments below!

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Sew A Clear PVC Vinyl Zipper Pouch: Free Pattern

Take your organisation to the next level by sewing up a clear vinyl zipper pouch with our free pattern! These pouches are SO handy and can save you time as you can see exactly what’s in your storage pouch without even looking inside.

Use them in your crafting space to keep your scraps, notions & general haberdashery in check, or make them for the kids! The see through window can help save time, and add some more interest and fun for them when looking for their favourite toys or craft supplies… Ya never know it might just encourage them to tidy some stuff away too 😲

You can request the free pattern is sent straight to your inbox. The file sent will include pattern pieces you can print & use, as well as with the rectangle sizes needed to make this pouch, if you prefer to draw your own.

We’ve used fabrics from the amazing collection “Beguiled” from Libs Elliot and paired them up with some funky zips to deliver a striking pouch that will be the envy of your friends!

You Will Need:

  • A copy of the pattern. Request a copy is sent straight to your inbox here.

1 x #5  10 inch zip (or longer) OR 12 inches of continuous zipper tape plus 2 x zipper pulls

1 FQ Cotton Outer Fabric 

1 FQ Cotton lining fabric

30cm x 25cm Clear PVC Vinyl Fabric

0.25m woven interlining (We used Vlieseline G700)

30cm x 30cm Fusible Fleece Vlieseline H640

6mm Double Sided Tape


Important Notes & Guidance

  • For more tips on handling PVC clear vinyl fabric check out our other post here
  • 1cm seam allowance is throughout, unless directed otherwise
  • For steps using machine sewing, straight stitch, backstitching at the start & end
  • When sewing vinyl use a stitch length of 3mm. When sewing fabric only use use stitch length 2.5, unless otherwise directed
  • Prepare your fabrics as per manufacturer’s care advice
  • When cutting your interfacing & fusible fleece cut your pieces without seam allowance (marked on the pattern pieces)

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How To Sew A Clear Vinyl Zipper Pouch

Step 1:

Print off your pattern (you can request your copy here) . The pattern has both rectangle sizes and complete pattern pieces so you may choose your preferred pattern method

If you are using the pattern pieces as templates you need to tape pattern piece A1 with pattern piece A2 matching up the coloured circles.

Step 2:

Cut Your Vinyl: clear vinyl can be difficult to cut accurately because it can be difficult to see!

I have found the best way is to place your pattern piece underneath the clear vinyl & cut around the pattern piece using a rotary cutter & ruler

Step 3:

Cut out your fabrics using wither the pattern pieces or the rectangle sizes provided

Cut your interfacing & fusible fleece smaller by the seam allowance (1cm seam-allowance, with the exception of the seams adjoining the zip, which is 1/4″ .

If using the pattern pieces the seam allowance is marked by a dashed line.

Step 4:

Adhere the sticky side of the interfacing & fusible fleece to the wrong side of the corresponding fabrics with an iron, as per the manufacturer’s instructions.

The fusible fleece should be fused to the wrong side of lining fabric for pattern piece A1+A2

Step 5:

Sew the vinyl window to the exterior fabric: With RST align the long edges of vinyl window Piece D with the lower edge of exterior fabric piece B & clip together.

Clear vinyl can be sticky! If you are having trouble consult our “Sewing with vinyl” tips.

We have found stitching over a strip of tissue paper to be very effective in stopping the vinyl sticking to your machine bed, the tissue paper can then be torn off easily.

Finger-press the exterior fabric away from the vinyl window.

Step 6:

Sew a guide stitch: Take the lining fabric of pattern piece B and stitch a 1 cm guide stitch (use a long stitch length approx 4mm) then press up to the wrong side along the guide stitches.

This ensures a neat edge later. Set to one side.

Step 7:

Prepare the zip:  This pattern has been sized for a #5 zipper but  you could use a smaller #3 zipper.

It will just mean your front portion is a little shorter than the back portion but you can correct that when you’re sewing it together at the end.

I am using a #5 continuous zip to achieve the double pull look. 

Step 8:

Add zip pulls to the continuous zipper tape: The only way to achieve the double zipper pull is to add your own pulls to the tape. Check out our video here.


Step 9:

Insert the zipper: Insert a zipper foot on your machine.

Take the exterior fabric with the vinyl attached and lay the long edge RST with the zipper teeth.

Baste in place using a ⅛” seam. If the zip pull is obstructing your stitch line, lift your machine foot & move the zipper pull(s) out of the way and carry on stitching.

Step 10:

Once basted, align the unfolded long raw edge of lining piece B with the basted zipper tape and vinyl piece. Also ensure the short edges of lining B and exterior B are aligned.

The right side of lining B be touching the wrong wide of the zip. Ensure your pressed folded edge is NOT the one sewn in to the zip – it should still be free.

Your zip should now be sandwiched between the outer and lining fabrics. Pin or clip the layers. Stitch in place using a ¼” seam allowance moving the zip pull(s) out of the way if they are obstructing your stitch line.


Optional: Finger press both the lining and exterior fabrics away from the zip.

Top stitch through all the layers with ¼” seam allowance.

Step 11:

Attach the lining piece B to the vinyl: Using tape here can help when it’s tricky to use pins or clips along the fabric fold.

Fold up the lining piece along the guide stitch and add some double sided tape along the fabric edge.

Score the backing paper with a pin & tear off to stick the lining piece to the vinyl to hold in place. Stick down aligning the folds on both the exterior and lining pieces.

Step 12:

Top stitch through all layers using a 3mm stitch length.

Step 13:

Repeat steps 9, 10 & 12 using pattern piece C (note –  you will not have the vinyl window attached to the exterior piece so omit step 11).

Step 14:

Assemble the pouch: Unzip the zip halfway then sew the vinyl exterior with RST to the exterior back piece A (fused with the interfacing)  

Trim back any excess zip tape to align with the fabric edges.

Stitch  in place all the way around without leaving a turning gap.

Step 15:

Take the vinyl exterior piece and place face down on the table with the zipper tape wrong side facing up.

Place the exterior piece A (fused with the fusible fleece) on top placing right side against the wrong side of the zip. Clip the layers in place.

Leave a turning gap of 10-15cm opening in the lining at the bottom of the pouch.

Use tissue paper if the vinyl is sticking.

TOP TIP – to make sewing the turning hole neater & easier : Place your needle down in the fabric 1cm from the edge. Pivot the fabrics 90 degrees and sew the the fabric edge and back again. Repeat at the end of your stitch line. This helps to pull the excess fabric through to your turning gap and provide a neater edge.

Trim back your seam allowance to ¼” all the way around clip your corners to reduce bulk.

Step 16:

Turn through the turning hole: Before you turn your bag through, run a hot iron over an ironing board to heat up the board, then place your pouch vinyl side down on the heated ironing board and let the heat penetrate the vinyl.

This will make turning the bag easier.

Make sure you don’t let the iron touch the vinyl otherwise it’ll melt!

Step 17:

You now have the pouch turned so the right side of the lining is exposed.

Once turned machine sew the length of the bottom seam with a scant ⅛”, starting and stopping 1/4″ from each end. (If you just sew the gap closed then you’ll see a step in your lining through the vinyl window). Use a zipper foot here if this helps you get a narrow seam.

Repeat step 16 before turning completely to the right side to make turning the vinyl easier.

Step 18:

Poke out the corners with a point turner.


And you’re finished, well done!


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