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My Guide To Waterproof Fabrics in Sewing World Magazine

My Guide To Waterproof Fabrics in Sewing World Magazine

A very chuffed Plushette here once again to let you know that I’m in Sewing World Magazine again this month talking about waterproof fabrics. It’s another jam-packed issue I am finding the Vilene series in particular very informative indeed and there’s also an excerpt from Lauren Guthrie’s new book too which is a tutorial on how to make a big weekend bag. Sewing-World-Waterproof-1 This is my third article for Sewing World (eeek!), you can read about the two here and here. Don’t forget there’s a discounted subscription offer available for Plush Addict customers. You can get a 12 month subscription for only £39.99 (that’s a saving of £19.89) use the code PLUSH14 at check out here. Grab yourself a copy and sit down for a good read with a cuppa, I’m in the “Techniques” section. You can also get your mitts on this magazine at WH Smiths. Next month is the last in the series and I’ll be writing about natural alternative sustainable fabrics. I’ve really enjoyed writing this series and I’m looking forward to doing a bit more writing in the New Year once the Christmas mayhem has subsided at Plush Towers a little. I hope you enjoy it! Sewing-World-Waterproof-2
We’re Supporting “Dressability”, Can You Too?

We’re Supporting “Dressability”, Can You Too?

copy-Hi-res-logo If you’ve been to one of our open days you’ll know that we like to lay on some refreshments and always have tea, coffee and some lovely cakes for you to nibble on. We know people can travel quite a distance to see us and we also know it’s always very welcome to get a brew when you arrive. Everybody is rather glad of the hospitality but so many people are surprised that it’s free and it’s been suggested that we should have a charity box so people can make a donation if they wish. (more…)
My Guide To Fleece Fabrics In Sewing World Magazine

My Guide To Fleece Fabrics In Sewing World Magazine

I can’t help but glow with pride each time I think about this. I’ve always fancied being a travel writer but I’ll settle for writing for my favourite sewing magazines instead! This month’s Sewing World magazine has a handy guide to fleece fabrics penned by moi. It’s available in WH Smith or you can purchase a copy on line from Traplet’s online shop. (more…)
I’m in this month’s Sewing World magazine and you can get a discounted subscription!

I’m in this month’s Sewing World magazine and you can get a discounted subscription!

I was more than a little excited to open the post  and discover a copy of this month’s Sewing World magazine, I *may* have let out a squeal of excitement and jumped around from foot to foot doing an enthusiastic a happy dance. It’s been a long time coming but I’m thrilled the day has finally arrived and my words are right there in black and white printed on something I can actually touch and flick through, accompanied by photos of some of my favourite plush makes.  (more…)


ImageI am absolutely thrilled and humbled to have been nominated for the British Sewing Awards 2013 in the category for Best Sewing Blog! A big thank you to everyone and anyone that voted for lil old me, thank you SO much, it’s very motivating and encouraging. Our shop was also nominated for 2 categories too – Best Online Retailer and Best Website for Sewing Resources,  I’m over the moon! Voting starts on 12th November and we will be crossing our fingers and letting you know as soon as the voting opens. Wheeeee!!